Research Article | | Peer-Reviewed

The Influence of Transformational Leadership on the Implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education for Sustainable Outcomes

Received: 21 May 2024     Accepted: 12 June 2024     Published: 25 June 2024
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The study focused on the influence of transformational leadership on the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education for sustainable outcomes in selected secondary schools of Muchinga Province of Zambia. The main objectives were to establish the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education, to explore leadership influence on the implementation and to assess the benefits of implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education on learners in selected rural public Secondary Schools of Muchinga Province of Zambia. The research employed qualitative method. It employed descriptive design. Study sample comprised of headteachers, teachers, parents and learners with the total number of 64. It employed three instruments namely; semi structured interviews and observation checklist. The research findings established that, Comprehensive Sexuality Education was taught as integrated in other subjects using methodologies that engaged learners while learning sexuality issues, School leadership championed the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education, they motivated learners and teachers by providing guidance and, encouraging also awarding those who are well behaved with sponsorship. They also promoted individualized consideration through mandatory one on one counselling on sexuality issues which is a deliberate policy in all the three schools. The research discovered that, learners benefited from Comprehensive Sexuality Education because they gained knowledge on Comprehensive Sexuality Education as revealed by parent respondents, it was also discovered that sexuality cases were reduced from 1457 in 2015 to 453 in 2023 by 1004 in cases of sexuality and in 2014 when the implementation started the total sexuality related cases stood at 1375 which was later reduced to 117 in 2023. It is recommended that, school leadership should champion the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education in all school, learners should take responsibility of acquiring sexuality skills, knowledge, values, right altitude and of making informed decisions appropriately. It is highly recommended that, the government should develop a deliberate policy of teaching and monitoring Comprehensive Sexuality Education as a standalone. The future recommendation from this study was that, A research on influence of transformational leadership on the implementation of comprehensive sexuality Education for sustainable outcomes in selected rural public secondary schools would be worthwise in order to establish the expected outcomes on learners. The same research should be conducted in Chinsali District.

Published in International Journal of Education, Culture and Society (Volume 9, Issue 3)
DOI 10.11648/j.ijecs.20240903.16
Page(s) 151-161
Creative Commons

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2024. Published by Science Publishing Group


Influence, Sustainable, Implementation, Transformational Leadership, Comprehensive Sexuality Education

1. Introduction
Comprehensive Sexuality Education is a curriculum-based process approach of teaching and learning about the cognitive, emotional, physical and social aspects of sexuality. It aims to equip children and young people with knowledge, skills, attitudes and values that will empower them to realise their health, well-being and dignity; develop respectful social and sexual relationships; consider how their choices affect their own well-being and that of others; likewise understand and ensure the protection of their rights throughout their lives . The approach can be delivered in formal or non-formal. The vision of, United Nations Educational Scientific Culture Organisation et al concerning Comprehensive Sexuality Education is to,” to equip children and young people with knowledge, skills, attitude and values that will empower them to realise their healthy, wellbeing and dignity, develop respectful social and sexual relationships, consider how their choices affect their own wellbeing and that of others, and understand and ensure the protection of their rights throughout their lives .
Globally, studies on the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education have its trace in Europe and United States where it was mandatory for the primary and secondary school . In Africa particularly Kenya it clearly indicates that the government has been open to educational reforms and policies which do exist to support the provision of school-based sexuality education .
Comprehensive Sexuality Education was introduced in 2014. The timing of the Ministry of General Education programme came at a time when the curriculum was due for review. Despite the advantageous timing, there were still challenges advocating for the inclusion of Comprehensive Sexuality Education in the curriculum due to it being quite loaded already. In the end a curriculum framework was developed in 2013 and a full framework on Comprehensive Sexuality Education was developed in 2014
1.1. Statement of the Problem
Comprehensive sexuality Education (CSE) has been recognised as a critical component of health education, Sexually Transmitted Infections, early marriages, school dropouts and teenager pregnancies prevention. Yet there remains limited understanding of how leadership influences its implementation and effectiveness. Studies revealed that Comprehensive Sexuality Education was not being comprehensively implemented in some Zambian public schools The successful implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education requires effective leadership to champion its’ effective implementation . Transformational leadership which focuses on creating a shared vision, empowering followers and managing change have been identified as a promising approach for improving the delivery of Comprehensive Sexuality Education program It is in light of the foregoing that the sought to explore the influence of transformational leadership on the implementation of comprehensive sexuality education for sustainable outcomes in the selected school of Muchinga Province of Zambia.
1.2. Purpose of the Study
The purpose of the study was to explore the influence of transformational leadership on the implementation of comprehensive sexuality education for sustainable outcomes.
1.3. Objectives of the Study
1) Establish the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education on learners in Nakonde District of Muchinga Province.
2) Examine the influence of school leadership on the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education on learners in Nakonde District of Muchinga Province.
3) Explore the benefits of the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education on learners in Nakonde District of Muchinga Province.
1.4. Research Questions
1) How is Comprehensive Sexuality Education implemented on learners in Nakonde District of Muchinga Province?
2) What is the influence of school leadership on the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education on learners in Nakonde District of Muchinga Province?
3) What are benefits of the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education on learners in Nakonde District of Muchinga Province?
2. Presentation of Findings
Comprehensive Sexuality Education is described as a rights-based approach that seeks to equip young people with the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values they need to determine and enjoy their sexuality physically and emotionally as individuals and in relationships’. Thus, this chapter presents the findings on the objectives under study.
2.1. The Implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education with the Focus on
The researcher wanted to establish if the curriculum for Comprehensive Sexuality Education was implemented and taught as a standalone subject or integrated into other subjects, the researcher administered a questions from semi structured interview guides and observations were made using observation checklist. The answers reflected in the responses from the participants were as follows;
L2 at SA stated that,
“we learn Comprehensive Sexuality Education when other subjects are being taught and when teacher is teaching other subjects like social studies.”
L1 at SB echoed that,
“Comprehensive Sexuality Education is incorporated into civic education, biology and Home Management Civic Education In biology.”
L5 at SA mentioned that,
“Yes we learn in integrated science and incorporated with other subjects by teaching about sexual health and wellness on body image and self-esteem.”
L3 at SC revealed that,
“we learn about the reproductive system.”
L4 at SA narrated that,
“we are taught by guidance teacher and by our deputy head they play an important role in teaching Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE).”
L2 at SD mentioned that,
“It is taught as part of the subject in science and Home Economics and integrated science where, we are taught the importance of a healthy lifestyle for reproductive health.”
L3 at SD stated that,
“we are only taught about it, a bit in biology like Reproduction topic CSE should be a more prominent part of biology class he further pointed out that, our school offers Comprehensive Sexuality Education as part of our health curriculum.”
L4 at SC narrated that,
“Comprehensive Sexuality Education is not taught in our school we have a club called "anti AIDS club “that promotes healthy lifestyle choices.”
L4 at SB echoed that,
“CSE is integrated into biology lessons and the school has a parent education program that includes a focus on Comprehensive Sexuality Education.”
L1 at SA noted that,
“our school has a designated Comprehensive Sexuality Education coordinator who helps to ensure that Comprehensive Sexuality Education implemented effectively and topics lessons are included across all subjects. For example, in biology class and at times woven into other subjects such as English, social studies, and even art or music.”
L1 at SC exposed that,
“the school is not giving us the chance to explore and understand important sexuality in a deeper way. We don’t know anything about Comprehensive Sexuality Education maybe the awareness campaigns at our school during health meetings by ministry of health.”
The researcher observed a lesson in integrated science. The researcher observed teacher X teaching Home Management and the lesson was on puberty stage, teacher X started by asking learners what they noticed on their bodies especially between 10-13 years. The learners were able to give out information on general body changes. The teacher later grouped learners into two groups and gave them a Comprehensive Education question each, some were given on physical changes, and other were given a question on emotional changes. The learners discussed the questions in their respective groups and did a class presentation. The learners were able to give Comprehensive Sexuality Education related information. The teacher later guided a class discussion then proceeded to a second step of the lesson where a teacher used Question and Answer method to teach learners on emotional intelligence, body integrity and assertiveness.
2.2. Leadership Influence on the Implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education
The researcher wanted to establish if the leadership in schools were in support of the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education through intellectual stimulation, idealized influence, intellectual stimulation and individualized counselling by administering a semi structured interview guide and observation checklist to learner and teacher respondents. The following were the responses;
L2 at SB indicated that,
“The school headteacher is in support of the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education because he encourages us to share experiences during assembly and they also lead by example in good morals.”
L4 at SA echoed that,
school leaders support the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education and always guides us during open days and other school gatherings to believe in ourselves and be focused on education by abstaining from sexuality and bad group.
L3 at SD submitted that,
“the school leaders in support of it because she encourages us to share our past experiences of smoking and drinking beer also that the school stimulates us by offering incentives, such as extra credit or special rewards, for completing Comprehensive Sexuality Education assignments.”
L5 at SD resonated that,
“using speakers, such as health professionals or peer educators, to talk about it topics also the school deputy headteacher encourages the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education and he comes to our class to encourage us. They usually work in collaborating with community partners, such as health clinics.”
L3 at SC noted that,
“They only address this issues only during assembly especially if there too much indiscipline in school such as drunkenness, prostitution and too much verbal abuse to teachers and prefects and these issues are not taken seriously at this school.”
L1 at SB narrated that,
“School leaders make Comprehensive Sexuality Education learning fun and engaging, through the use of games and other activities.”
L3 at SA indicated that,
“creating a safe and supportive learning environment, where learners feel comfortable asking questions and sharing their experiences and we are motivated and inspired when we see out parents being invited to be made aware of what happens in school.”
L3 at SB echoed that,
“School leaders motivate us by providing opportunities for us to take the lead in Comprehensive Sexuality Education activities, such as leading discussions during school open gatherings. Further, the school leaders encourage us during assemblies to take what we learn in Comprehensive Sexuality Education and apply it to their everyday lives and sometimes calls us separately to caution us and these issues are not taken seriously at this school.”
L5 at SA stated that,
“they facilitating regular monitoring by asking us whether we learn and sometimes explain to what information concerning Comprehensive Sexuality Education,”
L2 at SD highlighted that,
“school leaders have been encouraging us to learn Comprehensive Sexuality Education and have been calling us to their office to counsel us so that our future can be good. The headteacher caution and make known to us the dangers of drugs and to abstain from the drugs.”
L1 at SA reported that,
“school leaders teach us a lot of things that we cannot teach ourselves like the dangers of sex and drug abuse that it can destroy our lives. They invite role models to speak to us.”
L1 at SC submitted that,
“school leaders have negative attitude toward the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education and they don’t inspire us on issues that have to do with sexuality even during assemblies because it’s against their culture and religion. I have never witnessed Comprehensive Sexuality Education being talked about by the school leaders such as head or the deputy head.”
L2 at SA narrated that,
“school leaders do champion the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education by inspiring us. They use suitable language when talking to us the younger ones and some teachers lead by example in terms of conduct and descent dressing.”
The teachers were also asked similar questions by the researcher in order to establish if school leaders supported the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education openly.
T1 at SD highlighted that,
“School leaders engage learners, during school council meetings and they find time to address the sexuality issues with learners in their classes.”
T3 at SB pointed out that,
“school leaders engaged learners during assemblies and once in a while learners are given a chance to openly discuss Comprehensive Sexuality Education matters. As teachers and school we are working together to see to it that our learners are covered because of their support.”
T3 at SD revealed that,
“the administrators do implement the Comprehensive Sexuality Education by involving learners in discussing sexuality issues and bring awareness to them during school market days. School market days are the perfect opportunity to bring awareness and discussion around sexuality issues.”
T4 at SC narrated that,
“school leaders involves teachers, especially grade teachers, in decision-making processes related to Comprehensive Sexuality Education, the school leaders are creating a sense of ownership and responsibility among teachers.”
T3 at SA indicated that,
“school leadership have created a supportive and collaborative environment where teachers feel comfortable sharing ideas and resources concerning Comprehensive Sexuality Education. They support the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education through engaging school matrons and patrons when they are assigned during club days.”
T5 at SD submitted that,
“school leadership provide us with professional development opportunities that focus on Comprehensive Sexuality Education teaching strategies and approaches.”
T3 at SC noted that,
“the headteacher are deputy head teacher are not providing ongoing feedback and necessary support to teachers so that they can implement such policies, they do not show interest in building a sense of responsibility among teachers concerning Sexuality issue.”
T4 at SB exposed that,
“school leaders motivates teacher in issues concerning Comprehensive Sexuality Education through fostering a safe space for teachers to discuss challenges and concerns faced while implementing Comprehensive Sexuality Education.”
T5 at SB echoed that,
“school leaders motivates us by allowing us take part in education exchange visits where we do the sharing of success stories and best practices from other schools and counsel learners through mandatory one on one counselling on sexuality issues which is a deliberate policy in all the three schools.”
T5 at SA exposed that,
“school leaders motivates us by recognizing and celebrating teachers' efforts in teaching Comprehensive Sexuality Education and that, T2 at SA pointed out that, they motivate us by allowing time for planning and collaboration among teachers.”
T2 at SC echoed that,
“school leaders are not providing access to high-quality Comprehensive Sexuality Education curriculum materials.”
T4 at SB narrated that,
“school leaders motivates us by ensuring adequate resources which they could manage, such as production of more Comprehensive Sexuality Education materials through printing is done and classroom supplies for teaching.”
T4 at SD exposed that,
“school leaders are encouraging teachers to use diverse and culturally-responsive teaching approaches especially that learners and most teacher at this school are from diverse backgrounds.”
T4 at SA submitted that,
“school leaders encourage us teachers to use different teaching methods, such as hands-on activities or role-playing so that lessons can be enjoyable and learners get relaxed and comfortable.”
T1 at SC stated that,
“school leaders do not offer opportunities for teachers to share their expertise and experiences during School Based Continuous Professional Development.”
T2 at SB indicated that,
“the school leaders have established clear expectations and goals for teaching Comprehensive Sexuality Education in school.”
The researcher conducted an observation of an open gathering at school SD during school assembly, the researcher noted that, just after singing the national anthem, the learner representative ministered to the friend on good moral conduct and later another offered a prayer thereafter, Headteacher delivered his notices for that week, just after his address the deputy Headteacher was called upon to address learners on matters of discipline and moral conduct. The deputy Headteachers presentation to the learners was on sexual healthy. The deputy Headteacher addressed learners on issues to do with unhealthy relationships with opposite sex which was teamed as pairing as well as issues of violence in school. The grade 12’s were warned sternly to keep away from grade 8’s who were vulnerable because of the age status. Afterwards few learners were selected in order to go through what the deputy was speaking to the whole school. Thereafter school learner leadership, scripture union’s leaders and leaders from school council were tasked to be going round the classes to teach and caution their friends. The group was there and then announced and tasked to be going round counselling their friends on sexual matters.
2.3. The Benefits of Implementing the Comprehensive Sexuality on Learners
The researcher assessed the benefits of implementing the Comprehensive Sexuality on learners. The researcher administered interview guide on parents and headteachers. The following were there responses;
P2 at SA narrated that,
my child has gained accurate and age-appropriate information about their body, sexuality, and reproductive health, which has improved their understanding of these topics.
P2 at SC echoed that,
Comprehensive sexuality education has helped my child develop a healthy and positive attitude towards their own sexuality and wellbeing because I counsel my child at home.
P4 at SD narrated that,
my child has learned effective communication and decision-making skills, which has empowered them to make informed choices about their sexual and reproductive health.
P3 at SB highlighted that,
sexuality education has provided my child with a safe and non-judgmental environment to ask questions and discuss sensitive topics, fostering open dialogue between us.
P3 at SA submitted that,
my child has developed a better understanding of the importance of consent, boundaries, and healthy relationships, which has positively influenced their decision-making.
P1 at SA indicated that,
This has increased my child's awareness of the risks associated with risky behaviors, such as unprotected sex or substance use, and how to avoid them.
P5 at SC narrated that,
I have not been called at school by my child has learned about various contraceptive methods and this has worsen her behaviour since she knows she can’t get pregnant.
P2 at SB echoed that,
Sexuality lessons has promoted inclusivity and respect for diverse sexual orientations and gender identities, fostering a sense of empathy and understanding in my child.
P1 at SD submitted that,
my child has gained knowledge about sexually transmitted infections (STIs), their prevention, and the importance of testing and treatment, contributing to their overall sexual health.
P3 at SD resonated that,
Comprehensive sexuality education has encouraged my child to reflect on their personal values and beliefs regarding sexuality, helping them make decisions that align with their own principles.
P4 at SC elaborated that,
my child has developed a greater sense of self-efficacy and confidence in navigating sexual and reproductive health issues, which has positively influenced their wellbeing.
P5 at SB indicated that,
Comprehensive sexuality education has equipped my child with resources and support systems, such as school counselors or health clinics, to seek help and guidance when needed.
P4 at SA reported that,
my child has learned about the emotional aspects of sexuality and relationships, enabling them to develop healthier and more fulfilling connections with others.
P1 at SC revealed that,
Comprehensive sexuality education has promoted a sense of responsibility and self-care in my child, encouraging them to prioritize their health and wellbeing.
P5 at SD stated that,
my child has gained an understanding of the importance of regular health check-ups and screenings, contributing to their overall health awareness and preventative behaviors.
P4 at SB resonated that,
Comprehensive sexuality education has helped my child develop critical thinking skills to evaluate media messages and societal norms related to sexuality and reproductive health.
P2 at SD submitted that,
my child has become more comfortable discussing sexual and reproductive health issues with their peers, fostering a supportive and informed social network.”
P3 at SC echoed that,
Comprehensive sexuality education has increased my child's awareness of the potential consequences of risky behaviors on their future goals and aspirations. It has destroyed our children.
P5 at SA highlighted that,
my child has developed a greater appreciation for the importance of forming healthy relationships based on mutual respect, trust, and communication.
P1 at SB narrated that,
Comprehensive sexuality education has encouraged my child to become an advocate for accurate and inclusive sexual and reproductive health education among their peers and within their community.
The discoveries on leadership were drawn from head teacher’s responses on data headteacher respondents provided concerning the numbers in terms of change noticed as they implement Comprehensive Sexuality Education in the school.
Table 1. 2014 and 2023 data on baseline and current impact of implementing CSE on learners.




Disciplinary sexuality cases



Cases of teenage pregnancies



School dropouts



Cases of Sexually transmission infection



Cases of substance abuse



Total Cases



Table 2. Shown data on the implementation of CSE impact progression from 2015 to 2023 from headteachers.











Disciplinary sexuality cases










Cases of teenage pregnancies










Cases of school dropouts










Cases of STIs










Cases of substance abuse










Total Cases










3. Discussions and Interpretation of Findings
This chapter discusses the findings of the study on the influence of transformational leadership on the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education in selected rural public secondary schools of Muchinga Province of Zambia.
3.1. The Implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education
The discussions focuses on Curriculum & Integration. This study found that, the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education was done through incorporating in other subjects such as social studies, civic education, biology, home management, integrated Science and when learning other sexual health and wellbeing of the body. It was also discovered that implementation was also done when teaching subjects such as English, art and music, it was further implemented through Parent Program which focuses on Comprehensive Sexuality Education, during Anti Auto Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) club meetings, through regular awareness company at school. The observations revealed that, the teacher who was teaching Home Management involved learners through question and answer, group discussions, and presentations where learners brought out sexuality matters such as physical and emotional changes, emotional intelligence, body integrity and assertiveness. This is incongruent with the scenario in Zambia were Comprehensive Sexuality Education is integrated into the school curriculum, with the aim of providing young people with accurate and age-appropriate information about their sexual and reproductive health The program is implemented at teacher discretion. It is implemented in public school through integration into existing subjects.’ and partly into extra – curricular activities. Previous studies established that parents in schools supported the teaching and learning of Comprehensive Sexuality Education by allowing relatives to help learners answer the question on sensitive topics . Comprehensive Sexuality was integrated into national curriculum .
3.1.1. Leadership Influence on the Implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education
The researcher examined if the leadership in schools were in support of the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education through intellectual stimulation, idealized influence, inspirational motivation and individualized consideration. The responses were as follows;
The research established that, school leaders were in support of the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education because they championed the implemention through, encouraging learners to share experiences during assembly and they also lead by example in sexuality matters, class encouragement, they always guiding learners during open days and other school gatherings to believe in ourselves and be focused on education by abstaining from sexuality and bad group, they encourages learners to share their past experiences of smoking and drinking beer, the school leaders also stimulated learners by offering incentives, such as extra credit or special rewards, for completing Comprehensive Sexuality Education assignments, by “using speakers, such as health professionals or peer educators, to talk about sexuality, they as well support us by creating a safe and supportive learning environment, where learners feel comfortable asking questions and sharing their experiences, they have inspired learners through parent teacher meeting were role address learners, they usually work in collaborating with community partners, such as health clinics, by providing opportunities for learners to take the lead in in sexuality activities, such as leading discussions during school open gatherings, they also encourage them during assemblies to take what they learn in sexuality and apply it to their everyday lives and sometimes calls learners privately to caution them, they facilitate regular monitoring,. They caution and make known to us the dangers of drugs and to abstain from the drugs, types of abuse that it can destroy our lives, they inspire us by the use of suitable language, and some do lead by example in terms of conduct and descent dressing and they always summon to the office those who are in relationship and they counsel learners. This was done is three school except for one school where it was discovered that, school leaders have not been supporting the implementation because they have not been talking about sexuality issues seriously and only address sexuality issues during assembly especially if there too much indiscipline in school such as drunkenness, prostitution and too much verbal abuse to teachers and prefects and school leaders have negative attitude toward the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education and some school leaders don’t inspire on sexuality matters even during assemblies because it’s against their culture and religion, other teachers narrated that, it could have been better if it is Incorporated into school-wide events and it was also revealed that some teachers do not lead by example and are not role models.
The teachers were also asked similar questions by the researcher in order to examine if school leaders supported the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education and the responses were that, school leaders engage learners, during school council meetings, school assemblies and they find time to address the sexuality issues with learners in their classes, learners are also given chance during assemblies to speak to their friends. matrons and patrons are assigned during club days, they involve learners in discussing sexuality issues and bring awareness to them during school market days, they engage grade teachers, in decision-making processes related to it, the school leaders are creating a sense of ownership and responsibility among teachers, they have created a supportive and collaborative environment where teachers feel comfortable sharing ideas and resources concerning Comprehensive Sexuality Education, they provide teacher with professional development opportunities that focus on Comprehensive Sexuality Education teaching strategies and approaches, they motivate teachers by allowing time for planning and collaboration among teachers, they motivate teachers by allowing time for planning and collaboration among teachers, they are motivated by ensuring a safe space for them to discuss challenges and concerns faced while implementing it, by allowing them to take part in education exchange visits where they do the sharing of success stories and best practices from other schools by recognizing and celebrating teachers' efforts in teaching Comprehensive Sexuality Education, by ensuring adequate resources which they could manage, such as production of more Comprehensive Sexuality Education materials through printing is done and classroom supplies for teaching, as teachers we are encouraged to use diverse and culturally-responsive teaching approaches and methods, such as hands-on activities or role-playing so that lessons can be enjoyable and learners get relaxed and comfortable and school leaders have established clear expectations and goals for teaching Comprehensive Sexuality Education in school.
The observation of an open school assembly gathering revealed that ministered to the friend on good moral conduct, school leaders addressed learners on sexual healthy, unhealthy relationships with opposite sex which was teamed as pairing as well as issues of violence in school senior learners were warned sternly to keep away from junior learners who were sexually vulnerable because of the age status, learner leadership, scripture union’s leaders and leaders from school council were tasked to counsel and caution their others in school. The teachers were supported with lesson plans, presentations, demonstration videos, cartoons and interactive games as well as participatory pedagogies which helped in building the capacities of teachers to provide high quality Comprehensive Sexuality Education lessons . The leaders are being able to identify and solve issues, able to encourage, direct and motivate learners, promote creative and innovative thinking among learners, been accountable and responsible in sexuality matters . School leaders influence teachers and leaners achievement indirectly through establishing school goals, setting high expectations, organizing classrooms, allocating resources, promoting a positive and orderly learning school staff, parents and community groups in matters of importance which includes Comprehensive Sexuality Education. Additionally, Dou highlighted that, when transformational leadership increased, its positive influence on teachers’ organizational commitment became even stronger . On the contrary it was discovered at one school that, school leaders do not offer opportunities for teachers to share their expertise and experiences during School Based Continuous Professional Development especially concerning sexuality matters, they are not providing access to high-quality Comprehensive Sexuality Education curriculum materials they are not providing ongoing feedback and necessary support to teachers so that they can implement such policies, do not show interest in building a sense of responsibility among teachers concerning Sexuality issue. The challenge faced by Zambia is a Christian nation and it’s against national values, additionally, teachers lacked necessary teaching aids and some schools in rural Zambia never received CSE frameworks and reference book . The study exposed the evidence that some headteachers lacked competences to set clear Sexual Relationship goals, motivate teachers and learners, provide resources and partnering with stakeholders .
3.1.2. Potential Benefits of Comprehensive Sexuality Education on Learners
Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) has gained global recognition as a vital effort to empower adolescents and young people; enable them to improve and protect their health, well-being and dignity; and support them in developing critical thinking skills, citizenship, and equal healthy and positive relationships. The researcher wanted to explore the potential benefits of implementing the Comprehensive Sexuality on learners. The researcher administered questions to parents and headteachers. The following were there responses from parents; children have benefited in the following ways; has gained accurate and age-appropriate information about their body, sexuality, and reproductive health, which has improved their understanding of these topics, developed a healthy and positive attitude towards their own sexuality and wellbeing because I counsel them at home myself, have learned effective communication and decision-making have provided them with a safe and non-judgmental environment to ask questions and discuss sensitive topics, it has been fostering open dialogue between us, have developed a better understanding of the importance of consent, boundaries, and healthy relationships, which has positively influenced their decision-making, increased my child's awareness of the risks associated with risky behaviors, such as unprotected sex or substance use, and how to avoid them, has promoted inclusivity and respect for diverse sexual orientations and gender identities, has fostered a sense of empathy and understanding in children, children have gained knowledge about sexually transmitted infections, their prevention, and the importance of testing and treatment, contributing to their overall sexual health, has encouraged children to reflect on their personal values and beliefs regarding sexuality, helping them make decisions that align with their own principles, has equipped children with resources and support systems, such as school counselors or health clinics, to seek help and guidance when needed, children have learned about the emotional aspects of sexuality and relationships, enabling them to develop healthier and more fulfilling connections with others, have gained an understanding of the importance of regular health check-ups and screenings, contributing to their overall health awareness and preventative behaviors, has helped children develop critical thinking skills to evaluate media messages and societal norms related to sexuality and reproductive health, children have become more comfortable discussing sexual and reproductive health issues with their peers, fostering a supportive and informed social network, some children have developed a greater appreciation for the importance of forming healthy relationships based on mutual respect, trust, and communication, has encouraged children to become an advocate for accurate and inclusive sexual and reproductive health education among their peers and within their community, has promoted a sense of responsibility and self-care in children, encouraging them to prioritize their health and wellbeing children have developed a greater sense of self-efficacy and confidence in navigating sexual and reproductive health issues, which has positively influenced their wellbeing, has increased children’s awareness of the potential consequences of risky behaviors on their future goals and aspirations some parents lamented that children have learned about various contraceptive methods and this has worsen their behaviour since they knows she can’t get pregnant, these teachings have destroyed out children morally,
While headteachers responses revealed that, sexuality cases which was at 1457 in 2014 was discovered to be at 453 in 2023 indicating a decrease in sexuality cases on 1004.
Figure 1. Baseline and current data on sexuality cases on implementation of Comprehensive Education on learners from headteachers.
Figure 2. Outcome of Comprehensive Sexuality Education on learners from 2015 -2023 from headteachers.
The graph above showed that there has been a systematic decrease in cases of sexuality. There has been a reduction in sexuality cases as revealed above, cases of substance abuse (alcohol and drugs) still remains a challenge in schools.
The findings revealed that Comprehensive Sexuality Education was associated with improved knowledge, increased contraceptive use, reduced risk-taking behaviors and decreased rates of unintended pregnancies also sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among young people . School-based comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) has helped adolescents achieve their full potential and realize their sexual and reproductive health and rights hence, parents were generally in favor of teaching Comprehensive Sexuality Education in school, and there has been strong citizen mobilization in demanding for it. . Comprehensive Sexuality Education was associated with improved knowledge, increased contraceptive use, reduced risk-taking behaviors and decreased rates of unintended pregnancies also sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among young people . Silumbwe revealed that Comprehensive Sexuality Education programs in Zambia were effective in improving knowledge about sexual and reproductive health, promoting safer sexual behaviors, and reducing risky sexual practices among adolescents Conversely, teachers generally had the skills to teach Comprehensive Sexuality Education topics and that they complied, especially with the presence of official orders in implementing guidelines from the Department of Education. However, some teacher needed to work on some preparation and delivery skills who are discreet in the manner they deliver information to learners as well as their comfort and confidence of which the study explored in detailed . Munkonka established that, the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education in the selected primary schools assisted learners; teachers and communities obtain information which helped them to form appropriate attitudes and beliefs related to sex, gender, relationships, and intimacy and that . Comprehensive Sexuality Education is reported to be key strategy in promoting sexual and reproductive health among young people . The study revealed that parents were generally in favor of teaching Comprehensive Sexuality Education in school, and there has been strong citizen mobilization in demanding for it . Headteachers’ supported and championed learner engagement on the agenda, sharing of experiences, motivating teachers through training and provision of materials for Comprehensive Sexuality Education . The positive effects were largely due to the motivation, attitudes and skills of teachers, and the ability to employ participatory teaching techniques .
4. Conclusion
Effectiveness in the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education demands for concerted efforts and school leaders must lead. It is therefore evident from this study that, Comprehensive Sexuality Education was implemented in three schools except for one school where school leaders did not support the implemention. It was implemented through integration into other subjects, counselling, and open gatherings and during clubs meetings. The schools were it was implemented revealed that learners were informed and able to make healthy decision concerning sexuality matters.


United Nations Educational Scientific Culture Organisation


United National Fund for Population Activities


Comprehensive Sexuality Education


School Based Continuous Professional Development


Anti-Auto Immune Deficiency Syndrome


Ministry of General Education


Ministry of Education, Science, Vocational and Early Education


and Human Immunodeficiency Virus


Sexually Transmission Infection

Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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  • APA Style

    Chibalange, M. M., Annie, P. (2024). The Influence of Transformational Leadership on the Implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education for Sustainable Outcomes. International Journal of Education, Culture and Society, 9(3), 151-161.

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    ACS Style

    Chibalange, M. M.; Annie, P. The Influence of Transformational Leadership on the Implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education for Sustainable Outcomes. Int. J. Educ. Cult. Soc. 2024, 9(3), 151-161. doi: 10.11648/j.ijecs.20240903.16

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    AMA Style

    Chibalange MM, Annie P. The Influence of Transformational Leadership on the Implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education for Sustainable Outcomes. Int J Educ Cult Soc. 2024;9(3):151-161. doi: 10.11648/j.ijecs.20240903.16

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  • @article{10.11648/j.ijecs.20240903.16,
      author = {Mulenga Memory Chibalange and Penda Annie},
      title = {The Influence of Transformational Leadership on the Implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education for Sustainable Outcomes
      journal = {International Journal of Education, Culture and Society},
      volume = {9},
      number = {3},
      pages = {151-161},
      doi = {10.11648/j.ijecs.20240903.16},
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      abstract = {The study focused on the influence of transformational leadership on the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education for sustainable outcomes in selected secondary schools of Muchinga Province of Zambia. The main objectives were to establish the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education, to explore leadership influence on the implementation and to assess the benefits of implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education on learners in selected rural public Secondary Schools of Muchinga Province of Zambia. The research employed qualitative method. It employed descriptive design. Study sample comprised of headteachers, teachers, parents and learners with the total number of 64. It employed three instruments namely; semi structured interviews and observation checklist. The research findings established that, Comprehensive Sexuality Education was taught as integrated in other subjects using methodologies that engaged learners while learning sexuality issues, School leadership championed the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education, they motivated learners and teachers by providing guidance and, encouraging also awarding those who are well behaved with sponsorship. They also promoted individualized consideration through mandatory one on one counselling on sexuality issues which is a deliberate policy in all the three schools. The research discovered that, learners benefited from Comprehensive Sexuality Education because they gained knowledge on Comprehensive Sexuality Education as revealed by parent respondents, it was also discovered that sexuality cases were reduced from 1457 in 2015 to 453 in 2023 by 1004 in cases of sexuality and in 2014 when the implementation started the total sexuality related cases stood at 1375 which was later reduced to 117 in 2023. It is recommended that, school leadership should champion the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education in all school, learners should take responsibility of acquiring sexuality skills, knowledge, values, right altitude and of making informed decisions appropriately. It is highly recommended that, the government should develop a deliberate policy of teaching and monitoring Comprehensive Sexuality Education as a standalone. The future recommendation from this study was that, A research on influence of transformational leadership on the implementation of comprehensive sexuality Education for sustainable outcomes in selected rural public secondary schools would be worthwise in order to establish the expected outcomes on learners. The same research should be conducted in Chinsali District.
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    AB  - The study focused on the influence of transformational leadership on the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education for sustainable outcomes in selected secondary schools of Muchinga Province of Zambia. The main objectives were to establish the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education, to explore leadership influence on the implementation and to assess the benefits of implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education on learners in selected rural public Secondary Schools of Muchinga Province of Zambia. The research employed qualitative method. It employed descriptive design. Study sample comprised of headteachers, teachers, parents and learners with the total number of 64. It employed three instruments namely; semi structured interviews and observation checklist. The research findings established that, Comprehensive Sexuality Education was taught as integrated in other subjects using methodologies that engaged learners while learning sexuality issues, School leadership championed the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education, they motivated learners and teachers by providing guidance and, encouraging also awarding those who are well behaved with sponsorship. They also promoted individualized consideration through mandatory one on one counselling on sexuality issues which is a deliberate policy in all the three schools. The research discovered that, learners benefited from Comprehensive Sexuality Education because they gained knowledge on Comprehensive Sexuality Education as revealed by parent respondents, it was also discovered that sexuality cases were reduced from 1457 in 2015 to 453 in 2023 by 1004 in cases of sexuality and in 2014 when the implementation started the total sexuality related cases stood at 1375 which was later reduced to 117 in 2023. It is recommended that, school leadership should champion the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education in all school, learners should take responsibility of acquiring sexuality skills, knowledge, values, right altitude and of making informed decisions appropriately. It is highly recommended that, the government should develop a deliberate policy of teaching and monitoring Comprehensive Sexuality Education as a standalone. The future recommendation from this study was that, A research on influence of transformational leadership on the implementation of comprehensive sexuality Education for sustainable outcomes in selected rural public secondary schools would be worthwise in order to establish the expected outcomes on learners. The same research should be conducted in Chinsali District.
    VL  - 9
    IS  - 3
    ER  - 

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